Steve McQueen | |
Steve McQueen em Inferno na Torre, 1974 | |
Nome completo | Terence Steven McQueen |
Nascimento | 24 de Março de 1930 Indianapolis, Indiana |
Nacionalidade | |
Morte | 7 de Novembro de 1980 (aos 50 anos) Ciudad Juárez, México |
Ocupação | Ator |
Trabalhos notáveis |
Terrence Steven McQueen, mais conhecido como Steve McQueen, foi "o cara" dos filmes de ação, principalmente durante as décadas de 60 e 70 do século XX.
Um verdadeiro rebelde do cinema, McQueen destacou-se em suas atuações com personagens que não eram bem os galãs. Pelo contrário, estava sempre interpretando tipos mais realistas, durões, indomáveis. Pode-se dizer que sem ele não existiriam, tempos depois, atores como Stallone, Clint Eastwood, Wesley Snypes, Bruce Willis, como um Vin Diesel, atualmente, ou mesmo um Jason Statham (Triplo X).
Muito de seus filmes foram marcantes para mim. Nunca me esquecerei da história contada em Sete Homens e um Destino (The Magnificent Seven, 1960), faroeste clássico que assisti numa daquelas noites dos anos 80, pela tv Globo, impressionado pelo elenco repleto de candidatos a astros, como Robert Vaughn, James Coburn e Charles Bronson, sem falar no já consagrado ator (o excelenteYul Brynner).
Fugindo do Inferno (The Great Escape, 1963) também é outro filme que não saiu de minha memória. Para mim um de seus melhores filmes, principalmente pelo personagem, um cara que lidera um grupo de prisioneiros de um campo de concentração que tentam, com grande persistência, executar uma fuga mirabolante sob difíceis condições. Novamente um ótimo elenco reunido nessa película: Richard Attenborough, Charles Bronson, James Marsden e Donald Pleasence. Torci o tempo todo para que a fuga desse certo e aqueles caras saíssem dali ilesos.
Bullitt (Bullitt, 1968), de Peter Yates, trás aquela cena memorável de perseguição entre dois carros pelas ruas de San Francisco. Cena muito bem dirigida, com manobras em alta velocidade em ladeiras íngremes e curvas sinuosas. As câmeras dentro dos veículos e sobre os mesmos deram o tom realista que a notabilizou como a melhor do cinema.
Pra fechar essa sessão de memórias, destaco a que, para mim, é a melhor atuação dramática de McQueen. Do lado do não menos talentoso Dustin Hoffman, estrelou com sucesso, inclusive com uma indicação ao Oscar de melhor ator, o filme Papillon (Papillon, 1973),
Solitário por natureza, McQueen, após o auge do estrelato em 1978, isola-se numa propriedade no México, deixa de fazer exercícios físicos, rejeita papéis, engorda, deixa a barba e o cabelo crescerem e passa a viver trancado em casa, bebendo cerveja, fumando maconha ou se dedicando a sua paixão aos carros e motos, até descobrir um mesotelioma (espécie de câncer na membrana que envolve os pulmões), doença que o levaria à morte.
Grandes atores como ele sempre farão falta. Por isso é sempre bom rememorar.
Steve McQueen Forever!

(*24/03/1930 +07/11/1980)
Terrence Steven McQueen, better known as Steve McQueen, was "the face" of action movies, especially during thethe 60s and 70s of the twentieth century.
A true rebel of the movie, McQueen said in his performances with characters that were not well the heartthrobs. Rather, it was always playing types more realistic, tough, indomitable. You could say that would not exist without it, some time later, actors like Stallone, Clint Eastwood, Wesley Snypes, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel as one today, or even a Jason Statham (Triple X).
Much of his movies were memorable to me. I will never forget the story told in The Magnificent Seven Fate (The Magnificent Seven, 1960), classic western I watched one of those nights for 80 years by Globo TV, impressed by the full cast of candidates for stars like Robert Vaughn, James Coburn and Charles Bronson, not to mention the already established actor (the excelenteYul Brynner).
The Great Escape (The Great Escape, 1963) is another film that came out of my memory. For me one of his best movies, especially the character, a guy who leads a group of prisoners from a concentration camp trying, with great persistence, perform a dazzling run under difficult conditions. Again a great ensemble cast in this film: Richard Attenborough, Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasence and James Marsden. I hoped all along that the escape from that right and those guys come out of there unharmed.
Bullitt (Bullitt, 1968), Peter Yates, behind the scene memorable chase between two cars on the streets of San Francisco. Scene very well directed, with maneuvers at high speed on steep inclines and hairpin bends. The cameras inside the vehicles on them and gave realistic tone that was notable as the best in cinema.
Known as the "King of Cool" Steve McQueen was one of Hollywood's leading actors of the 1960s.
A true rebel of the movie, McQueen said in his performances with characters that were not well the heartthrobs. Rather, it was always playing types more realistic, tough, indomitable. You could say that would not exist without it, some time later, actors like Stallone, Clint Eastwood, Wesley Snypes, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel as one today, or even a Jason Statham (Triple X).
Much of his movies were memorable to me. I will never forget the story told in The Magnificent Seven Fate (The Magnificent Seven, 1960), classic western I watched one of those nights for 80 years by Globo TV, impressed by the full cast of candidates for stars like Robert Vaughn, James Coburn and Charles Bronson, not to mention the already established actor (the excelenteYul Brynner).
The Great Escape (The Great Escape, 1963) is another film that came out of my memory. For me one of his best movies, especially the character, a guy who leads a group of prisoners from a concentration camp trying, with great persistence, perform a dazzling run under difficult conditions. Again a great ensemble cast in this film: Richard Attenborough, Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasence and James Marsden. I hoped all along that the escape from that right and those guys come out of there unharmed.
Bullitt (Bullitt, 1968), Peter Yates, behind the scene memorable chase between two cars on the streets of San Francisco. Scene very well directed, with maneuvers at high speed on steep inclines and hairpin bends. The cameras inside the vehicles on them and gave realistic tone that was notable as the best in cinema.
Known as the "King of Cool" Steve McQueen was one of Hollywood's leading actors of the 1960s.
To close this session of memories, I emphasize that for me is the best dramatic acting from McQueen. Side no less talented Dustin Hoffman starred with success, including an Oscar nomination for best actor in the movie Papillon (Papillon, 1973) Solitary by nature, McQueen, after the peak of stardom in 1978, isolates himself in a property in Mexico, stop exercising, rejects papers, fattening, let the beard and hair grow and is locked to live at home, drinking beer or devoting himself to his passion for cars and motorcycles, until find a mesothelioma (a type of cancer of the membrane surrounding the lungs), a disease that would lead to death. Great actors like he always will be missed. So it's always good to reminisce. |
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