domingo, 13 de maio de 2012

If You’ve Pre-Downloaded Diablo III in Europe, Read This to be Sure You Can Play the Game

If You've Pre-Downloaded Diablo III in Europe, Read This to be Sure You Can Play the Game

A notice on Battle.Net's European web site says that Blizzard recently became aware of an issue in the digital installation downloader for Diablo III's English and German versions. This affects European versions only, not North American.
They're asking that anyone who downloaded the game before Saturday (today) at 10 a.m. Central European time/9 a.m. GMT, to go get the new downloaders now (available at the link below). Doing so will ensure they can play the game when it unlocks on the May 15 launch.
There are specific instructions and more details at the link. Spread the word so no one gets left out and is disappointed when the big day gets here.


A polícia espanhola expulsou manifestantes da praça central de Madri. Manifestantes e policiais ficaram feridos. Novas mobilizações foram convocadas.

A polícia espanhola dispersou cerca de 200 pessoas que permaneciam na praça Puerta del Sol, em Madri, na manhã deste domingo (13/5), depois de terminar o prazo imposto pelas autoridades locais para a mobilização. Vários protestos contra a situação econômica do país e as estratégias para enfrentar a crise foram registrados ainda no sábado.

A polícia iniciou a retirada dos "indignados" da Puerta del Sol sete horas depois do limite estabelecido oficialmente para dispersar a manifestação. Muitos participantes da mobilização se retiraram ao perceberem a chegada da polícia, mas houve quem resistisse. A mídia local reporta 17 detidos e quatro pessoas feridas, incluindo dois policiais.

Nas cidades de Valência e Palma de Maiorca, outras desocupações foram realizadas por forças de segurança. Conforme a polícia madrilenha, aproximadamente 30 mil pessoas foram para as ruas da capital espanhola no sábado, dia "oficial" de manifestações do movimento dos "indignados". Cerca de 80 eventos semelhantes foram realizados em diversas regiões da Espanha.


A mobilização deste final de semana pretende também marcar a criação do Movimento dos Indignados (ou 15-M), que completa um ano no dia 15 de maio. As manifestações do ano passado transformaram-se em semanas de ocupação da praça central de Madri. Um acampamento foi feito no local e organizações civis disponibilizaram serviços básicos para os participantes.

Os manifestantes têm o direito de realizar assembléias em espaço público por um período de 10 horas durante o dia, porém são proibidos de permanecer na praça durante a noite. A porta-voz do governo, Soraya Saenz de Santamaría, disse que seria assegurado o respeito aos horários.

A Espanha passa por uma série de reformas e cortes de gastos públicos para enfrentar a crise da dívida e não seguir os passos de outros parceiros da zona do euro, como Grécia, Irlanda e Portugal, que apelam hoje por empréstimos internacionais.

O país enfrenta o maior índice de desemprego da zona do euro. Conforme dados oficiais do governo, 24,% da população está sem trabalho e, neste grupo, 52% tem entre 18 e 25 anos. O primeiro-ministro Mariano Rajoy, que assumiu o governo em dezembro último, defendeu uma política de austeridade para estabilizar a economia espanhola.

MP/afp/ap/dpa - Revisão: Soraia Vilela

Fonte: Página Global


Freddie Mercury
Fox Photos, Getty Images
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Queen‘s ‘We Will Rock You’ musical in London, the band is bringing backFreddie Mercury. The late singer will appear via hologram during next week’s run of shows at the Dominion Theatre.
Classic Rock Magazine reports that Roger Taylor and Brian May will use different technology than Coachella organizers used to bring rapper Tupac Shakur to the stage last month. However the effect will be the same.
“People will come out saying, ‘Did we actually see Freddie?’” May says. Earlier Taylor expressed reservations about appearing on stage alongside the late singer: “I don’t want to appear with a hologram of my dear friend. It’s the real one or no hologram for me.”
As a result, the band will not perform alongside the projection at their concerts, such as their July dates at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, which will feature Adam Lambert singing in Mercury’s place. American fans will have to settle for the Queen Extravaganza, which begins in Canada on May 26, but tours through America during much of June.
Fonte: Ultimate Classic Rock

sábado, 12 de maio de 2012

The Doors - People are strange (Legendado)

Could You Live Without Broadband at Home? (Steve Wozniak Does!)

Could you live without broadband at home? I don't know if I could, but Apple Co-Founder and Gizmodo hero Steve Wozniak can. That's what he has recently said in Australia talking about his home in Los Gatos, California:
I don't have broadband at my home. I, Steve Wozniak, don't have broadband at my home. I live one kilometre out of the main part of town. Broadband is a monopoly in my town—that means you can get it from a cable company, but I don't have cable. There are 50 companies that want to sell me DSL, but they've all got to go through the Horizon wires—the local phone company—and I've got one of the two worst Horizons in the country. And so I can't get broadband in my house.
So how does the Woz live without wired internet access? Wireless access, of course: smartphones, tablets and computers connecting through 3G and LTE. []

Germany united by nudity, divided by attitude

Nudist beach in Ahlbeck
Citizens of the former West and East Germany share many well-established customs, including naturism. But does a relaxed attitude to naked bodies mask some division over the freedom of women?

Sex in Germany, I imagine, is much the same as sex everywhere else.
It was, as we know, invented in the 60s, probably in California, and since then the techniques involved are probably pretty universal.
But attitudes to sex and sexuality and nakedness are not. And in Germany, I have to tell you that I have been surprised.
Not least when I was in the changing room of the gym to which I go.
There I was, naked from the waist down - very naked - wrestling to get a tee-shirt off my head, and the tee-shirt was wrestling back.
When I finally pulled the thing off, there before me was a woman - a pretty woman - in her 20s pushing her broom at my feet.
This very real vision was the female cleaner in the male changing-room. Our eyes met. I blushed. She pushed on blithely, unconcerned.
Or when I went into the local sauna bath, which every neighbourhood has.
My German friends told me that nakedness was de rigueur, so into the cabin I went to find two young, naked women. They looked at me. I looked at the ceiling.
Germans - or at least Germans in the non-Catholic north of the country - say that the sight of the nude body is completely normal - natural, as they put it.
Why, they ask, would one wear a dirty, sweaty swimming costume? And, they say, being naked is nothing to do with sex. There is never a stir or a twitch of a sexual nature.
To which I say: hmmm.
My scepticism was shared, by the way, by both the Nazi and Communist regimes.
In East Germany, nude bathing became something of a sign of dissidence, contrary to the exhortation of the Culture Ministry to "protect the eyes of the nation".
Beate Uhse (centre) and models - file
Beate Uhse is often credited with changing women's attitudes to sex in 1950s Germany
The Nazis welcomed what Hermann Goering referred to as the "healing power of sun and air" in making a strong nation, but he did disapprove of public nudity which he called a "cultural error" that threatened female modesty.
Both regimes lost the argument. And demographics did the rest. In the rubble after World War II, there were seven million more German women than men.
And in this atmosphere, an industry grew up which was very different from that in other Western countries, one much more aimed at women.
Germany had a well-developed mail-order industry - and it had exactly the right woman to exploit it.
Beate Uhse had been a pilot in the Luftwaffe - as a woman she had not been allowed to fight but she did pilot planes to the front line.
After the war, as the daughter of a doctor, she was beset by friends who wanted to know how not to get pregnant.

Start Quote

My East German female friends tell me that the independence of women continued in the East of the country far more than in the West”
She started providing them with condoms and with advice on how she thought men could be kept happy. It became what is still one of Germany's most successful businesses.
All this has been described by the historian Elizabeth Heineman, who told me that because the business was mail-order, women were not inhibited from buying.
Particularly in the catholic South, they would not go into a shop but they would order from a catalogue.
Elizabeth told me that German women emerged from the war particularly independent and strong because the absence of men was so stark, but in the west of the country traditional roles were gradually re-asserted.
Not so, though, in East Germany.
Simone Schmollack writes for the Tageszeitung and a magazine - a women's magazine - called Die Magazin which was founded in 1929 and continued in East Germany throughout the years of Communism.
Tourists look through remaining section of Berlin Wall
Do cultural differences remain 20 years after the Berlin Wall fell?
She told me that women in the East - and she was one - had genuine economic independence and that gave them a strength in their relations with men.
Now that the Wall is down, cultural frictions are emerging.
Here is the way she put it: "When Western men go out with Eastern women, they - the men - sometimes have problems.
"Eastern women are so cool, the Westerners think. So independent. So free with sex. But then they want them to be stay-at-home, too".
So speaks an East German woman.
With such a mix of regimes and attitudes and cataclysmic shocks to relationships, there is confusion in the unified Germany over the roles of men and women.
Nowhere more so, I think, than when a sweaty, naked Brit strays into a gym or a sauna bath.
Fonte: BBC News Magazine

The Use of Knowledge on the Internet

“I don’t think that critics are seriously thinking through the economics of Internet service before they speak,” says Eli Dourado of people like me who are worried about the anticompetitive implications of Comcast’s bandwidth cap. He patiently explains that economic theory tells us that discriminatory pricing by a monopolistic content provider, in which inelastic customers pay more than elastic ones, is provably more efficient than a one-size-fits-all pricing regime.
I have no doubt Eli has an economic model that can back up that claim. But I also think it’s a good example of a kind of persistent myopia that afflicts the economic profession. Economists love to construct stylized models that allow them to draw mathematically rigorous conclusions about the world. The problem is that there’s an inherent bias toward models that are mathematically tractable over those that actually correspond to the real world.
Probably the best critic of this kind of thinking was F.A. Hayek. In afamous 1945 essay, he pointed out that many of the economic models of his day made unrealistic assumptions about the infallibility of economic decision makers:
What is the problem we wish to solve when we try to construct a rational economic order? On certain familiar assumptions the answer is simple enough. If we possess all the relevant information, if we can start out from a given system of preferences, and ifwe command complete knowledge of available means, the problem which remains is purely one of logic…
This, however, is emphatically not the economic problem which society faces. And the economic calculus which we have developed to solve this logical problem, though an important step toward the solution of the economic problem of society, does not yet provide an answer to it. The reason for this is that the “data” from which the economic calculus starts are never for the whole society “given” to a single mind which could work out the implications and can never be so given.
Eli’s argument for the superiority of price discrimination has much the same character. If we assume that each consumer knows what content he wants to watch and attached a fixed value to it, and if we assume that cable companies can reliably determine which content consumers want to watch, and if we assume that the transaction costs of licensing and redistributing that content are negligible, then we can mathematically prove that a vertically integrated cable monopoly can satisfy those user preferences at least as efficiently as a decentralized market featuring competing Internet video services reaching the consumer via a “neutral” broadband connection.
But this is emphatically not the economic problem facing the broadband market. Consumers have radically heterogenous tastes, and indeed they often don’t know they want to see a particular program until it’s offered to them. Cable companies are not perfectly rational actors, they are often sclerotic bureaucracies strongly biased toward the status quo and large content companies. The transaction costs of getting carriage on a major cable system are radically higher than the transaction costs of providing video content directly to consumers via the Internet, meaning that niche content and services are at a systematic disadvantage on proprietary video systems.
In short, a market involving numerous competing over-the-top video providers will be fundamentally, qualitatively different from a market in which one or two large broadband incumbents decides which video content to provide to consumers. In the long run, the open Internet is likely to offer a radically broader range of video content than any single cable company’s proprietary video service, just as is true for text and audio content today. But Eli’s model can’t accomodate this difference, because it requires us to treat content as homogenous and service providers as omniscient in order to make the math tractable.
“The peculiar character of the problem of a rational economic order is determined precisely by the fact that the knowledge of the circumstances of which we must make use never exists in concentrated or integrated form but solely as the dispersed bits of incomplete and frequently contradictory knowledge which all the separate individuals possess,” Hayek wrote. The same point applies to the Internet. Its value comes from a lack of gatekeepers; anyone can transmit information to anyone else, and over time the best content rises to the surface through a process of decentralized competition. No central planner, even one as wise and benevolent as Comcast, could possibly do as good a job of delivering to consumers the content they’re most likely to enjoy. So while a competitive market for Internet video may be no more efficient than a cable monopoly in some economic models, I think that’s mostly a reflection of economists’ superficial conception of efficiency.

Artista cria ponte com 8 mil garrafas plásticas sobre açude na Paraíba

Ponte de garrafas pet é montada no Açude Velho, em Campina Grande (PB) (Foto: Denise)Expectativa é de que travessia seja aberta à população no domingo (13) (Foto: Denise Delmiro/TV Paraíba)
Um artista plástico monta neste fim de semana, em Campina Grande, uma ponte de 150 metros de comprimento, composta por oito mil garrafas plásticas e outros materiais reciclados retirados do lixo. A estrutura começou a ser instalada na sexta-feira (11) no principal cartão postal da cidade, o Açude Velho, construído há mais de 180 anos. A previsão é de que o trabalho seja concluído no domingo (13) para que os moradores e visitantes da cidade possam participar da aventura.
Ponte de 150 metros de comprimento está em fase de finalização (Foto: Flávio Roberto/TV Paraíba)Ponte de 150 metros de comprimento está em fase de
finalização (Foto: Flávio Roberto/TV Paraíba)
As travessias serão acompanhadas por uma equipe do Corpo de Bombeiros, que ficará até o dia 20 de maio na passarela dando apoio com coletes salva-vidas e monitorando as visitas. A passarela liga duas margens do Açude Velho, do Centro Universitário de Cultura e Arte (Cuca) à Casa da Cidadania, na Avenida Doutor Severino Cruz.
A iniciativa tem apoio de voluntários e é coordenada pelo artista plástico Jarrier Alves, que nasceu em Brasília, mas mora na capital paraibana, João Pessoa. Segundo ele, o projeto é uma intervenção artística de cunho ecológico.
O objetivo é chamar atenção da população e das autoridades para o problema da poluição do meio ambiente e a necessidade de revitalização do Açude Velho.
Segundo o artista, a instalação da ponte teve a consultoria do Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Arquitetura (Crea) e apoio da prefeitura de Campina Grande. Para ser viabilizado, o projeto foi financiado no valor de R$ 40 mil pelo Fundo de Incentivo à Cultura Augusto dos Anjos (FIC), um programa do governo estadual.
Fonte: G1

Lula parabeniza vitória de Hollande na França

Ex-presidente brasileiro mandou carta ao recém -eleito presidente francês, que solicitou o brasileiro durante campanha

O ex-presidente brasileiro Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva enviou mensagem parabenizando o recém-eleito François Hollande como presidente da França. Durante a campanha eleitoral, Hollande citou Lula como uma de suas inspirações políticas, “por ter conseguido ser ele mesmo, fiel aos seus valores, a sua luta sindical e, ao mesmo tempo, ter feito do Brasil um dos países mais dinâmicos do mundo”, segundo informações do Instituto Cidadania. 

Hollande, candidato do Partido Socialista, fez as afirmações durante uma entrevista à revista Paris Match.

Em carta, Lula afirmou que a “chegada à presidência foi uma vitória da tradição francesa de defesa da igualdade, uma fonte de inspiração e força para todos nós que lutamos por um mundo mais justo e solidário” e ressaltou “a volta ao poder na França do Partido Socialista, do grande François Mitterrand”.

O ex-presidente brasileiro disse ainda que Hollande terá Dilma Rousseff como uma parceira excepcional da França. 
O novo presidente citou ainda ex-presidente sul-africano Nelson Mandela, “por sua coragem”, e o presidente americano Barack Obama, “pelo simbolismo excepcional que representa”. O francês citou ainda o ex-chanceler alemão Helmut Kohl pela “força que ele transmitia e pela consciência de sua responsabilidade histórica no momento da reunificação da Alemanha”.

Veja abaixo a carta enviada por Lula a Hollande: 

Meu querido companheiro François Hollande,

Parabéns pela sua vitória. A sua chegada a presidência foi uma vitória da tradição francesa de defesa da igualdade, uma fonte de inspiração e força para todos nós que lutamos por um mundo mais justo e solidário.

Após tanto tempo, valeu a espera pela volta ao poder na França do Partido Socialista, do grande François Mitterrand.

Eu tenho certeza que sua liderança terá um importante impacto em toda a Europa, em um momento onde são fundamentais a coragem e a ousadia para a população do continente retomar a esperança e a economia voltar a gerar empregos.

A juventude europeia olha com entusiasmo para Paris, em busca de novos caminhos para voltar a ter confiança no futuro. Não podemos nos contentar com planos de austeridade que propõem recessão, perda de direitos, corte de salários e desemprego.

A sua vitória significa a possibilidade da volta de um projeto europeu generoso, com crescimento e sem qualquer tipo de intolerância ou xenofobia. Porque a União Europeia, mais do que pertencer aos europeus, é um patrimônio de toda a humanidade, como um símbolo da paz e exemplo de cooperação para outras regiões do mundo.

Eu também tenho a mais plena confiança de que encontrará na presidenta Dilma Rousseff uma excepcional parceira da França, e que serão reforçados os projetos e os laços de amizade que unem nossos países.
Fonte: Bandnews

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