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terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2014

Playlist of the week - Johnny Cash (I Walk The Line - 101 Classic Hits)

(*Kingsland, 26/02/1932 — + Nashville, 12/09/2003)

Para os amantes da country music do inesquecível cantor e compositor Johnny Cash (The man in black), a playlist da semana reúne uma coletânea com representativa parcela da obra desse músico que deixou muitas saudades em todos nós.  Cliquem no link Johnny Cash - 101 Classic Hits e curtam o som!

For lovers of country music singer and songwriter, the unforgettable Johnny Cash (The man in black), the playlist of the week brings together a collection with representative portion of the work of this musician who left many longing in all of us. Click the link Johnny Cash - 101 Classic Hits and enjoy the sound!

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